Emerald Ash Borer Prevention: Safeguarding Minnesota’s Ash Trees

The emerald ash borer (EAB) is native to northeastern Asia, but since 2002 it has established itself as one of the most devastating invasive species in the United States. Emerald ash borers lay their eggs in ash trees, where their larvae create galleries that cut off the trees’ supply of vital nutrients, causing them to deteriorate and die. This is particularly problematic in Minnesota, where black ash trees are very common.

While an EAB infestation is a death sentence for an ash tree, there are ways to prevent these destructive pests from invading your property. Continue reading to discover how you can contribute to emerald ash borer prevention efforts in Minnesota.

How to Protect Your Ash Trees from EAB

The most important step toward avoiding an EAB infestation in your yard is to treat your ash trees. Preventative insecticide treatments can be injected directly into the trunks of your ash trees by licensed tree care professionals. While these treatments typically won’t be able to save an ash that is already infested, they can effectively prevent emerald ash borers from invading healthy ash trees. Unfortunately, preventative EAB treatments don’t last forever; that’s why it’s so important to continually treat any ash trees on your property every 2 to 3 years so that emerald ash borers never become established.

Another measure you can take to prevent EAB on your property is to be cautious when purchasing firewood. Ash firewood is regulated by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture since firewood created from ash trees infested with EAB larvae may spread the pests to other regions of the state. Make sure that any firewood bundles you purchase do not contain ash wood or you run the risk of introducing emerald ash borers to your property.

Unfortunately, even if you take measures to safeguard your ash trees, emerald ash borers may manage to infest some of the ashes on your property. Monitor your ash trees for any signs of an EAB infestation, especially if they haven’t been treated. There are two big signs of an EAB-infested ash tree; one is seeing that the ash’s canopy is declining; the other is noticing woodpeckers flocking to the tree to feed on the EAB larvae within.

Once an ash tree is infested, the odds of survival are very low and attempting to save it will likely only result in emerald ash borers spreading to other nearby trees. As soon as you notice an EAB infestation, it’s important to contact a tree care company in Minnesota to fell and remove the infested ashes. This is the best way to keep other ash trees in your yard and on neighboring properties from suffering the same fate.

One final step you can take to avoid an emerald ash borer infestation is to not plant any more ash trees. While ash trees are beautiful and native to Minnesota, their vulnerability to emerald ash borers now makes them a poor planting choice. If you do lose an ash in your yard to EAB, plant a different tree species to take its place and avoid a repeat of the tragedy.

Schedule Your EAB Treatments Today

If you have ash trees in your yard and you’d like to protect them, it’s important to schedule emerald ash borer treatments as soon as possible. Contact Pro-Tree Outdoor Services today if you’re in need of preventative EAB treatments for your property in the greater Twin Cities area!

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